Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Political Corruption? I'm SHOCKED!

I've been away for awhile. I will try to be regular from now on. After all, it's not like I have a lack of material.
One of my projects has been an attempt to compile a comprehensive list of Senators and Representatives (both federal and state) who are currently under indictment or being investigated for criminal and/or ethics violations.
The task is formidable. I hope to find a watchdog site that has already done this, so I can pass the link(s) on to you. I don't have the time to do it myself.
One thing that has stood out in my search: Lobbyists are frequently at the root. Apparently, many of our elected officials are not smart enough to learn from their compatriots mistakes. The list keeps growing.
The normal response? Something like "I'm innocent of all charges. I will be vindicated when the truth comes out!", "I have no knowledge of the reported events.", "I'm not responsible for the actions of my employees.", "I've done nothing wrong."
If the truth will set them free, where did the investigators get all the evidence that lead to the indictments?
Are you really so stupid, so clueless, that you have no knowledge of your own criminal/unethical enterprises?
When your actions mimic those of fellow lawmakers who have already been indicted for the same actions, what makes you think it's okay for you to do the same?
Yes, many of your constituents are stupid enough to believe you despite mountains of evidence against you. These are the people who pull the "Vote for this party" lever in the voting booth, rather than making informed, intelligent decisions. Every gene pool has it's shallow end.
Your greed and under the table dealing with even greedier businesses has lead America to where it is today. It has taken you and your predecessors 40 years (more ?)to bring us once more to the brink of disaster. You will not fix it in a year or two years. You will not fix it ever if you continue to screw your people for personal gain.
Only you (Congress) know how many of you are criminals, how many of you are unethical by design.
You are a plague on our country, a disappointment at best. You do not deserve the power, trust, or paychecks you receive.
Here are a few links for America to check out.


‘Ethics’ for sale

New York Post, 9-8-2009


Group lists 13 ‘Most Corrupt’ in Congress

Chuck Neubauer, The Los Angeles Times, 9-25-2005


Ex-lawmaker Ernest Istook’s Former Aide to Testify

Chris Casteel, NewsOK, 9-7-2009

One last note: Sarah Palin recently resigned as Governor of Alaska. By all reports, this should positively impact the amount of corruption in Alaska.

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